WAY Group
WAY Group
WAY Group is home to a suite of innovative and tax-efficient estate planning solutions that provides greater flexibility than is normally found in conventional IHT mitigation arrangements.
The WAY Group is made up of the following services and products:
About Us
WAY Group is a cumulation of over 40 years of experience in the financial services sector by founder and CEO of WAY Group Paul Wilcox. Fast forward to today and Paul continues as nominal Chairman of WAY Group, but the highly professional team which has evolved over the years now has its own impeccable reputation.
WAY Group currently has one single focus: the establishment and management via WAY Trustees Limited of family trusts for the moderately wealthy across the UK. Responsible for over 1200 individual trusts containing assets of almost £200m, saving clients many millions of pounds in potential IHT liabilities.
You have the WILL. You have the POWER. We provide the TRUST.
Estate planning should be about helping families retain their accumulated wealth, ensuring it passes to the right people, at the right time, in the most tax effective manner possible.
Keeping it in the family: Protecting family wealth across the generations.
Acrobat Trust from WAY Trustees is the most robust yet flexible family asset protection facility on the market. It’s where intergenerational wealth planning meets estate planning: ensuring that your family’s collective wealth works harder for the benefit of all, all the while fulfilling the intentions of you, the settlor.

Family challenges are inevitable. With the correct planning, how we respond to them is not.
The Inheritor Trust Collection features extremely flexible copyrighted worded trust precedent, designed and used effectively for over 20 years with gifting of over £200m of client assets into more than 1,500 personal Trusts, the savings in IHT because of these gifts have been extraordinary.

The trust-based solution to safeguard your money today so it is available tomorrow.
Transitioning from a career in sport can be difficult and stressful especially if this happens suddenly through forced retirement. The ProSports Trust will ensure your financial future for yourself and any beneficiaries you appoint when you shift into the next phase of your life.
Contact Us
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